Unfortunately, I could not believe I was ready for that.
One day, something happened which changed my attitude toward myself and my opportunities. It was not a huge incident, but it gave me an incredible boost of confidence. It happened on a Friday morning in 2011. I simply went about my mundane daily routine. I got up at five in the morning, showered, ate my breakfast and started to review my homework. Suddenly my phone rang. It was the leader of my student group. She told me that our headmaster wanted to see us in the University's lounge in an hour. Usually, I would not pay much attention to such meetings because I knew our headmaster would occasionally cajole and browbeat his students. That day in contrast to others, I had a feeling that meeting him was important. .
When we came there, we realized that only several students were gathered in the lounge. With a fast beating heart we were wondering what we had done. Our headmaster informed us that the presenter of the eminent BBC news channel and other foreign reporters were coming to our country due to some meeting about a Bank opening. In fact, I do not even remember the entire reason of their visit. I was so excited by the words "BBC"" and "Foreign" reporters that I could not concentrate on what our headmaster was talking about afterwards. The only thing I had heard was that by being part of this meeting, we now had an opportunity to work with those reporters as translators during different interviews with famous people. The headmaster asked for volunteers. That was a perfect opportunity to grab life by the horns. I knew it was my chance, but still the lack of confidence interfered and I struggled to raise my hand to accept the offer. Finally, I closed my eyes and raised my hand. .
That weekend seemed interminable; I could not wait for Monday in order to begin my duties as a translator. I was so nervous. If you have ever anticipated something with sense of ambivalence: trembling with so much fear that you would not be able to handle it, and yet so full of excitement, ardor and other positive emotions, then you can imagine what I was feeling.