They insist they don't care whether the deceased, like Snyder's son Matthew, wasn't gay. They claim they're just seeking to draw attention to their cause, in the grand tradition of public political protest.".
Under this demonstration, it's shown that people are craving power and use every power they have to dominate other people and take control of situations. Jesus said in the bible, that the church would be filled with "wheat and weeds" (Matthew). The two weeds could easily be the sinful and thieves hidden in the middle of the church, and we think the wheat are the good people. Like us, it's not our place to judge the actions of others or we will be faced with that same judgment. Letting homosexuals know the hate you feel towards their actions can turn them away from ever getting the chance to know the Lord, because they will see in you actions that aren't good as the Lord wanted us to be.
Paul tells us in the bible that "If I have enough faith to move mountains, but lack love, I'm nothing. If I give away every penny I have, and even if I surrender my body to be burned, but if I lack love, I may gain nothing" (1 Corinthians). This means to love one another, but picketing a military funeral just gives the great nation that we live in a bad taste in our mouths about the views, which your congregation stands for. The Westboro Baptist church can't hope to change the attitudes of people if all they're doing is causing a controversy. .
"Every evil in the world comes from self-centeredness and our constant crusade for self-significance." Samuel Williamson spoke these wise words in his article, "What Can Westboro Baptist Teach us About Grace?" In my opinion this church is just looking for attention. Attention is what all flesh desires to have, but if you go about getting attention the wrong way you will put a bad taste in people's mouths about you and what you believe in.