The ideology of the PRI could be described as a welfare state; the welfare state is theconcept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens.
According to Esping-Andersen (1990)there are three ways of organizing a welfare state, these classifications remain the most commonly used in distinguishing types of modern welfare states, and offer a solid starting point in such analysis.
1. "The ideal social-democratic welfare state is based on the principle of universalism, granting access to benefits and services based on citizenship. Such a welfare state is said to provide a relatively high degree of autonomy, limiting the reliance of family and market ".
2-."Christian-democratic welfare states are based on the principle of subsidiarity and the dominance of social insurance schemes, offering a medium level of decommodification and permitting a high degree of social stratification. ".
3.-"The liberal regime is based on market dominance and private provision; ideally, the state only interferes to ameliorate poverty and provide for basic needs, largely on a means-tested basis. Hence, the decommodification potential of state benefits is assumed to be low and social stratification high "(Esping-Andersen, 1990).
Basically what Esping-Endersen says about the welfare state is that the government must take care of the people's needs, but only can do it if they are legal citizens of the country. In the case of Mexico, when PRI was in power around the 1970's they kept in mind that it was strictly necessarily to give to every citizen the basic needs they could demand like: education, food and health service, the reason is because by providing this to the people, they could assure that the kid will turn into a citizen of a good will and not into a thief or murder, because this kid got fulfill all the basic needs they demanded, but in the other side of the coin, Mexico confronted in the period from the 70's to the 90's one of the biggest recession and depressions that it could ever had; in the 70's the inflation was of 378%; in the 80's was of 11,683% and in the 90's was of 322%.