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Arab Spring: Executive Summary

But what the Arab Spring hasn't done "at least not so far" is to bring about positive changes in the economies and social development in the nations whose politics it most transformed. Arab Spring countries haven't decided what kind of economy they are trying to create, and still don't have a clear vision of their economic future. Without political reform, there can be no economic liberalization, nor democratization bringing stability to the region.
             For many in the Arab Spring, the overthrow of autocratic regimes offers the hope for democracy and new freedoms. Some issues apparent in all of these countries include economic problems, the role of Islam in the political system, security concerns, and a lack of experience with democracy. Democracy grows best when begun and incubated in a country that possess institutional mechanisms such as the acceptance of rule of law, a functional civil society and culture, impartial administrative bodies, open news media, and a viable education system. According to this reality and the stated requisites for democracy, the Arab Spring revolutions lacked the basis for democracy in the first place.
             The countries in the Middle East and North Africa involved in the Arab Spring find themselves at the forefront of lived experience of injustice and repression. The fall of longtime leaders, and the peoples rising demands for a stronger voice in their own governance, have brought new opportunities for civil rights reform. Conscious of the role played by domestic, regional, and international power dynamics, these new governments must work to give human rights claims a more formidable stage on which to pursue political reform, while maintaining status with the role of Islam in the political system.
             III. Complicating Factors .
             In Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen "in that order" undemocratic leaders were ousted and replaced by popularly elected bodies or, in the case of Yemen, a transitional government.

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