The variables affecting an individual's valance are values, needs, goals, preferences and the sources of motivation; extrinsic as well as intrinsic motivations (such as intrinsic satisfaction from validating one's skills and abilities or from knowing that one Ÿs efforts in helping someone else have a positive influence). According to Fishbein (1967), who proposes a slightly modified version of EVT, individuals Ÿ behavior is strongly influenced by intentions. Intentions, in turn, are functions of one's attitudes and one's subjective norms. Attitudes result from one's beliefs that a behavior will lead to a particular outcome and one's evaluation of that outcome. .
The subjective norms are a combination of an individual's beliefs of how significant others feel about the normative .
appropriateness of the expected behavior and the individual's decision as to the value of those predicted norms. .
In those models, the motivational force concerns the way individuals make decisions regarding various behavioral alternatives. Expectancy and instrumentality represent individual's subjective perceptions of the likelihood that effort will lead to performance and performance will lead to the desired outcomes. .
These perceptions are modulated by the individual's experiences (individual learning), self-perceptions but also by observations of others (social learning). Extrinsic motivation requires an instrumentality between an individual Ÿs activity and some separable consequences such as tangible or verbal rewards, so satisfaction comes not from the activity itself but rather from the extrinsic consequences to which this activity leads. Intrinsic motivation induces people doing an activity because they find it interesting and derive satisfaction from the activity itself. Porter and Lawler (1968) advocate structuring of the work environment in order to make jobs more interesting and hence, more intrinsically rewarding, as well as extrinsic rewards clearly contingent upon effective performance.