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Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices

             The Maestro comes with everything a user will need to run the device. However there are some add-ons that one could purchase to make using the device easier. One of the add-ons is a larger battery that extends the time of usage from 3.5 hours to 9 hours. This could be a necessity if the device is used often and over the course of a day where charging may not be possible. One of the other add-ons that does not come with the device but can be purchased is an external keyboard versus the touch screen keyboard that comes already loaded on the device. Since the device can also be used as an eBook reader should the user decide to use this feature books must be purchased. Other accessories available for purchase are the use of headsets and Bluetooth earpieces. All of the accessories can be purchased through the Dynavox Mayer-Johnson Company.
             The Maestro is a very advanced AAC device. This device can be used by a variety of people suffering from varying disabilities. This device would fit the needs of someone suffering from Aphasia. Since Aphasia affects the muscles involved in making sound, someone suffering from that disability would benefit greatly from having this device. This device could also be used by people suffering from Autism, Mental Retardation, as well as stroke victims or people suffering from a variety of head injuries. This device would primarily work for a person who has a disability but is considered to be high functioning or having an average intelligence. This device would also work best for an older person using an AAC device and may not be appropriate or required for a child. Some of the features on this device such as the use of Windows software, eBooks and Web browsing capabilities may not be essential to a young person's communication. This device appears to be meant for the more advance AAC user who is already familiar without to use a similar device. This device also requires the user have the ability to use their hands and have average fine motor skills.

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