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Descartes, Hume and the Existence of God

             The idea of being infinite implies that there is existence. Thus God exists. Descartes draws his last conclusion that God exists because of the reasoning that he is imperfect but able to possess the idea of perfection. Descartes believed that he was his own cause. From there he believed that if he is his own cause and he had the idea of perfection, then he is perfect. Descartes reasoned that he is imperfect, making a contradiction with himself that if he is imperfect then he can't be perfect. Through this reasoning Descartes had to reject the idea that he was perfect and imperfect. Descartes still possessed the idea of perfection even though he was imperfect. Descartes reasoned that if he wasn't perfect then he had to discard the idea that he is his own cause and that God is his cause to allow him to possess the idea of perfection. Thus God exists. .
             Descartes ruled out that the Evil Genius could be implanting thoughts of the existence God in his mind due to the fact that God is perfect, and I said above, the Evil Genius is not perfect. In order for people to accept Descartes Philosophical reasoning, they need to believe that there is a God. Descartes presupposition is that everyone who reads his meditations is people who believe in the existence of God and that he is perfect. If people don't have those presuppositions (i.e. Atheists) then Descartes argument is disregarded because that's the basis around how certainty is achieved. I believe that Descartes argument for the existence of God makes logical sense and satisfies the need for his other argument that we need to know if anything is certain anymore because of the Evil Genius. I am convinced of the argument that he uses to contradict the Evil Genius. The steps of reasoning Descartes goes through to contradict the idea of an Evil Genius logically makes sense and is convincing that there is a God. .
             Descartes Vs. Hume .
             Descartes lived from 1596-1650; he was a rationalist who wrote a book named Meditations on First Philosophy.

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