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Disaster Relief and the American Red Cross

It is not about them, it is about what they need to do to serve people who need their help. .
             Since then, the American Red Cross has gone to help countless lives. A great example of its relief efforts would be all the victims who were greatly affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. In 2005 when hurricane Katrina, Rita, and Wilma tragically struck, 4 million Americans were affected, they lost their homes, their loved one, their pets, their precious possessions that were irreplaceable nothing could console these grief stricken victims, but the Red Cross did not only rise to the occasion but they were one of the main organization to comfort the victims. The Red Cross provided the victims with 1,400 evacuation shelters for survivors across 31 states and the District of Columbia – serving nearly 450,000 evacuees, More than 68 million hot meals and snacks, Direct assistance that allowed more than 1.4 million families to purchase groceries, clothing, diapers and other basic needs.
             A Katrina survivor, Shena Batiste, a mother of 6 was fortunate enough to leave a week before Katrina struck. Unfortunately her home that she invested all of her money in to start a business was damaged by the events of Katrina, she also lost all of her belongings. Sheena, was still hopeful and thankful to have her husband and children safe. Two days after returning to New Orleans to the wreckage, Shena was stricken with yet another life changing event. Shena's husband had died from a heart attack. Shena was caught up in a whirlwind of problems, one with the extensive roof damage caused to her house by Katrina and the misfortune of losing her dear husband just days after the storm. Overwhelmed with everything happening so suddenly, the Red Cross was so persistent to help Shena. A worker of the Red Cross personally got on the phone to negotiate with FEMA, the Mortgage Company, and insurance company. Shena says "that because of the help of the American Red Cross I felt a huge sense of relief and that I can finally breathe and a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and because of the red cross, today we are really doing good, everything is going along fine, we are stable.

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