As a result, many channels are broadcasting the same kind of programs which bored the audiences. .
In media broadcasting, management is identified as planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Managers are individuals who supervise employees to make full use of organization resources in order to achieve organization goal efficiency. The goal of a TV station is high rating and high advertisement profit as well as audiences' satisfaction. The managing object is all resource of the station including employees, asset, facilities, channels and information, ext. managers also need to manage he production, distribution and exhibition of a program. .
Today, television stations in China are experiencing a reformation. TV broadcasting became a business. Like any other business it must maintain an awareness of income and outgo, of profit and loss. A number of stations are competing for rating and audience. Thus, a good broadcasting management is necessary. .
Management of Program Production.
Generally, a management team will decide what type of material the station will air. Individuals who involved in the post-production, production, editing, and broadcasting of programs is called producers. Some stations make programs by their own, while some others outsource to production house. .
Case of CCTV's Production Reformation.
Since mid-1990s, the "producer system " has been used for most programs. This is a common system of management in advanced countries, but it was a breakthrough in Chinese television. Before the adoption of the producer system, television professionals were powerless. For decades, television production was managed by the party. Almost all the officials at all levels in television stations were appointed by the relevant party organizations. Media professionals were treated as mere operatives. They were not given authority to decide what to produce and how to produce it, but were just told by their party-appointed supervisors to produce what the party needed, in the way the party wanted.