Since they are depriving others of their natural rights, they are violating the principle from the Declaration of Independence, which describes that all men should enjoy natural rights. It is human nature that we love and care for each other. However, killing, cheating, lying and stealing are also characteristic to human nature. Humans are inherently selfish; we usually put our own needs above others'. It is obvious that humans shouldn't have the right to commit these acts just because we have natural rights, the right to freedom". According to Plato's Crito, "Whatever the popular view is, and whether the alternative is pleasanter than the present one or even harder to bear, the fact remains that to do wrong is in every sense bad and dishonorable for the person who does it"(911). .
Crimes should not go unpunished and should not be protected under our rights to liberty. In order for society to function properly, a restriction to our rights should exist. If all humans were entitled to natural rights regardless of their behavior, some humans would inevitably follow their pathological and sadistic nature. Thus, the world wouldn't be a safe place to live in anymore. Therefore, the government should be responsible for enforcing natural rights with limitations to certain behaviors. .
Some people might argue that the government cannot really devise a set of laws and rights that can serve towards human equality since everyone's different. In Peter Cave's "Man or Sheep"," he argues that "Our common rationality and interests should lead us to see and accept what would be fair laws, benefits and rights for all"(963). Indeed, government's enforcement of a systematic set of laws and rights can be accomplished. It just takes time and effort. History has proven us many times how alterations to the law works towards human equality. The government definitely has a lot more work to be done regarding revision of laws, the inadequacy of rights to privacy; a basic human right is one such example.