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Rising Tensions Between Britain and the Colonists

            For decades, King George III and the British parliament had attempted to smother the growth of the American colonies. Britain had done little to help the colonists, even with the knowledge the they were struggling, nearly starving and needed medical and financial help. The colonies were trapped in a British stronghold, confined in a regulated environment which served to benefit only the Crown and the homeland. Despite being abandoned, the colonists forged onward in settling themselves in the new land; and they prospered. Irritated at their success and ability to thrive without England's assistance, King George III placed heavy taxes on the colonists, increasing their debt and causing further resentment. .
             Throughout the growth of the American colonies uneasiness grows within the colonies because Britain has never regarded them. At the start of the colonies Britain had no interest in the colonies, at the beginnings of the colonies there was no financial benefit Britain could see in America. During the early stages of development in the colonies, there were many Indian attacks on the colonists; the Indians were ruthless savages who killed men, women and even children without remorse. (Doc. A) The hatred of Britain once again grew as the colonists were given no assistance to fight off the Indian attacks; the colonists had to look to other foreign powers for assistance such as the French and the Spanish. With the refusal of Britain's help it further pushes the threat of an insurrection against the British government.
             The British imposed harsh taxes and acts upon the American colonies to squeeze out as much money the British could get from the colonists. These taxes were placed on imports that come from the mother country; these taxes were placed without the consent of the people.(Doc. C) This action angered the colonists even more than it did with the issue of the Indian attacks. This British didn't allow the colonists to trade with any other country, but the mother country with the Navigation Acts.

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