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Superwoman - My Grandmother

            She was a shop til you drop, cherry red convertible driving, baseball loving, sun bathing beauty. She has always been my mentor, my confidant, and my rock. She has been there for me when I was at my absolute worst. And she continues to be there for me to this very day. She is the most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure to know and love. She is my gram.
             As I look back on my childhood, I have many fond memories; most of them involving my gram. I remember sitting at her old mustard yellow built in kitchen table, watching "The Smurfs." As my mom yanked my long hair into a tight ponytail while my gram would be making me my favorite chocolate chip pancakes. She always left the bag open on the counter so I could sneak" a few after having my hair all but torn out. I remember her strapping on "the bubble"" and helping me learn to swim, then cheering for me when I graduated from a guppy to a minnow in my swimming class at the local YMCA. She would sit with me for what seemed like hours in her den and color, all the while reminding me to stay within the lines. She saved some of her old prom dresses, as well as some of my mother's for me to use as dress up clothes. She even let me use her expensive make-up. I would open up her head to toe mirrored closed doors try on her shoes and have a fashion show for her and my grandpa. .
             When it was time for me to start school, she always took me on a shopping spree. We would go get the recommended school supplies and then once that was done we would move onto the new school wardrobe.We headed to the mall and parked in "her " spot. She was a native mall goer. And once we stepped in those doors she was on a mission. She was determined to find me the coolest clothes and shoes. She was good like that. This became a yearly tradition. She popped the VHS tape in the camcorder and recorded my first day of school, from the beginning to the end. Then after school she always helped me with my homework.

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