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The Effects of Spanking Children

In spite of the strong correlations, it is important to bring up that correlations does not equal or support causation. Hence, the issue of whether or not a spanking affects child is a continuous battled. .
             Why Spanking Children is Detrimental.
             Pediatrics Example.
             In a new study published by researchers at Tulane University provided evidence that children's short-term responses to spanking may result to them acting out more likely in the long term (Benjeta & Kazdin, 2003). A study, led by professor Catherine Taylor, nearly reported of the 2,500 children in the study, those who were spanked more at the age of three were more likely to be aggressive by the age of five (Taylor, Manganello, Lee, & Rice, 2010). After taking out all other factors that would result in mother spanking child such as, depression, alcohol, drug use, spousal abuse and abortion consideration while pregnant, spanking remained a very strong predictor of violent behaviors. Based on the finding the issue with data does not show the causation and still show no true evidence of determination. .
             Physical Punishment .
             Around the world roughly 30 countries have banned physical punishments of children in homes and all settings (Boutwell, Franklin, Barnes & Beaver, 2011). In 2006, The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child reported that all physical punishments are illegal. A conglomerate of data found that spanking doesn't work. Alan Kazdin, a Yale University professor and director of the Yale Parenting Center and Child Conduct Clinic said, "Spanking doesn't work. You cannot punish out these behaviors you do not want there is no need for corporal punishment based on research "(Kazdin & Benjet, 2003). Physical punishment can only work momentarily because many children are afraid of being hit, but doesn't work and can lead children to obtain aggression in the long run, Graham-Bermann says. .
             Research finds that the negative effects of physical punishment may not become apparent for some time (Strassberg, Dodge, Pettit, & Bates, 1994).

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