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The Importance of a Good Education

            Many students find school unnecessary and a total waste of time. They don't see the value or privileges of getting the chance to go to school. I believe that students should be required to go to school five days a week for many important reasons. One reason is that school usually leads to a more successful and secure future; teaching us responsibility, hard-work, and a variety of positive attributes.
             One significant motive why kids should stay in school is because it affects their future. Often, education influences whether or not an employer hires an individual. Of course, for the majority of us, finding a job is vital part of being an adult. A decent job helps support our families, pay our bills and pay for our needs and wants. School also improves persons socialization, which becomes essential when trying to land a job because it's important to have the ability to interact well with fellow employees. For example, when you are serving customers or being interviewed, you are expected to respond confidently and professionally. .
             Another important motive why students should go to school is to learn responsibility. To parents, being responsible is an ability you must have. When we go to school, we must learn to be on time, do our homework, and keep your materials organized. These are just a few key components that show how we have to be responsible at school. Also, being organized is a must because it makes school more trouble-free and helps you get better grades. If you're organized at school, then you will most likely be organized at home as well. That is one less thing that parents have to worry about! This is how school affects life at home in a good way.
             I am aware that numerous people may disagree with me about school being a worthy thing. They may think that school is too much work and causes a lot of stress to scholars. It may seem hard right now, but it will be worth in the future.

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