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The Connection of Mosquitoes and Malaria

             Mosquitoes and Mosquitoes-Borne Diseases.
             We cannot underestimate these tiny creatures. Dr. Andrew Spielman, a professor from the Department of Infectious Diseases at Harvard University, called the mosquito "man's deadliest foe." In fact, scientists have estimated that, over the centuries, mosquitoes are responsible for more than half of all human deaths. .
             A good understanding of the anatomy and lifespan of mosquitoes is essential in order to help us fight against them. Mosquitoes belong to the family Culicidae. Female mosquitoes can survive from a few weeks to a few months and they lay eggs in moist environments. Both male and female mosquitos feed on plant juices such as nectar. Unlike male one, female mosquitos also bite humans to take blood, which provides nutrition for their offspring. In fact, it is the female mosquitoes' saliva that contains parasites or viruses that cause different human diseases. The following diseases are all transmitted or vectored by mosquitoes. These statistics are not for the faint-of-heart. .
             1. Malaria: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there were 216 million cases of malaria just in year 2010. Among them, about 655,000 people had died. The majority of cases occurred in children. We can say almost every 40 seconds, one child dies of malaria. Experts predict that future climate change in America will result in outbreaks of malaria. .
             2. Dengue Fever: It is transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes infected with dengue viruses. WHO estimates that 50 to 100 million infections occur yearly at the present time, including 22,000 deaths, mostly them are children. .
             3. Yellow Fever: In the past, yellow fever has killed millions of people. Even now with the powerful vaccine against the virus which is spread by mosquitoes, 200,000 cases occur every year with 30,000 deaths in a multitude of countries. .
             4. Encephalitis: This includes a severe type of West Nile Disease, St.

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