Although male prostitutes tended to be younger than the females, all ages, of both genders, consistently received work ("Brief History of Prostitution "). Acts of prostitution were not entirely legal during this period, but because there was no definite legislation against it, it became a thriving industry. .
In 590 A.D., the King of Spain began to question the morality of prostitution. His hesitation in accepting the sex profession eventually led to its abolishment throughout Spain. The king, after his decision to forbid the act, was determined to free the country of all forms of prostitution and uncover and punish those who continued the practice. As a result, all women and men who were caught working in the sex industry were immediately exiled, and without question ("Brief History of Prostitution "). These banished individuals refused to give up the practice that had been providing them with a substantial income, and they fled to different parts of the world, hoping to find areas where they could continue their profession.
Prostitution became more popular than ever after inhabiting other parts of Europe. It proved beneficial not only those who used sex as a source of income, but also for countless men who were sexually frustrated. Prostitution was emerging as a simple and available method for people to escape their problems with love, marriage, or simply frustration. .
When prostitution reached the United States, prostitutes began to see this act as a mean of attaining the "American Dream. " They believed that beginning their business in the land of freedom could provide them with a better and more successful life. By the end of the eighteenth century in the United States, the sex industry began to increase exponentially. During the midst of the American Revolution, women would follow around the freedom fighters and would act strictly as sex icons. Their presence and the sex that they would provide the men in battle with would alleviate the stress that is associated with war ("Brief History of Prostitution ").