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Advantages of Homeschooling

            Many people will argue that homeschooling causes children to fall behind in academically, isolate them from their peers, and prevent social and emotional growth. Parents who consider the home school possibility are often concerned that they won't be able to teach their children correctly or afford the required tools.(Matthews) .
             Research shows that the advantages of homeschooling outweigh the disadvantages. In fact, it's been shown that parents who educate their children at home play a larger role in helping their children become responsible and socially conscious adults.
             Because a home schooled child receives one-on-one instruction, they rarely fall behind in their academics and involved parents can recognize their child's weaknesses and assist them in correcting them more efficiently than a classroom teacher. (Myers) For example, a parent is a more apt to notice if their child is solving math problems by counting their fingers or are having a difficult time with reading success. When a child's scholastic problems are recognized, the parent can adjust class time to focus on these particular areas of study.
             Every child learns differently and homeschooling gives parents the ability to take that into consideration abs select a curriculum tha will best suit their child. .
             In a study done by Brian Ray,Ph.D the outcome proved "Home schoolers score above average on achievement tests.," and, "score above average on the SAT and ACT tests." (Ray) With home schooling, the parents are responsible for deciding what curriculum to teach, and when it should be taught. If they feel their child is mature enough to take sex education at the age of eleven or twelve or advanced enough in a subject to take a higher grade level, it would be the parents' decision whether or not to teach the class, not the public school system. The parents can also decide where it would benefit their child the most to teach a class; should they teach in home from a book, outside in nature, or by using a multitude of field trips to reinforce what's taught in class.

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