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Assisting the AIDS Crisis in Africa

Debating the issue "patent vs. patient rights ", six companies have been authorized to produce ARVs and the patent process is also under scrutiny. High development costs of drugs to be balanced with innovation have called for a reform in the US patent system.
             A strong medical system is the need of the hour to reduce the number of HIV afflicted patients in the long run. All countries are understaffed and under resourced in medical facilities that exist for HIV/AIDS. A comparison with health facilities in Canada & Netherlands shows that lack of awareness is also a key issue. Governments in African countries have been sensitized to this and are working on enhancing the spread of awareness within their own regions.
             NGOs have been instrumental in fighting the diseases at the grass roots level. Lead NGOs are WHO, Doctors without Borders (MSF) and CARE. It has taken time for these institutions to establish themselves especially in the troubled political environments of African countries. They now exercise considerable influence by providing essential services and monetary aid to the people affected and simultaneously handles their own growth plans and interactions with key stakeholders. Facing opposition from the government and lack of African support, many foreign organizations were also unsuccessful in making a dent in the epidemic. UNAIDS, Red Campaign & Clinton Foundation are key names associated with HIV/AIDS management in Africa.
             Both African nations and the world have done very little to tackle this problem. In many parts of Africa, the government kept a blind eye to the severity of the issue, worried about potential cost and a decline in their economy. The programs are slowly becoming more effective, and the governments of African countries are now beginning their own programs to educate people about HIV. Though there is currently no cure, and the percentages of people who have AIDs in Africa are still relatively high, the CDC is bringing change to the previous ravished Southern Africa.

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