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An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

Here is a excerpt bursting with realistic descriptions of the internal workings of the execution device and the Federal Army that controlled it:" A rope closely encircled his neck. It was attached to a stout cross-timber above his head and the slack fell to the level of his knees. Some lose boards laid upon the sleepers supporting the metals of the railway supplied a footing for him and his executioners-two private soldiers of the Federal army, directed by a sergeant who in civil life may have been a deputy sheriff." (Bierce 1476).
             One journalist critic believes the details of the physical setting are so realistic that "it further enhances our belief in Farquhar's escape " (Samide 3). Bierce mixes many different details to blend his own mix of reality accepted by the reader. Perhaps this short story is so physically realistic because of Bierce's own personal rules to writing, Bierce thought one must "depict accurately the scenes and sounds of combat, and it must explain why an engagement unfolded as it did. Otherwise, the account was so unreliable as to be useless (James 415). It seems even when Peyton is about to be hung and the world become most unrealistic, the ideal of death changing perception makes it realistic. Peyton seems to be given "especially acute senses (Quirk 129) making everything in nature seem like "audible music (Quirk 129). "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge " is "a rapid series of dangers with realistic concrete detail (), and a mix of "ethically ideal (Pizer 4) human emotions that produce realism. .
             Another attribution of literary realism is the emotional tie of human nature to Peyton's character because of his values (ethically ideal). Peyton is brought into the story as a family man who is wrongly being executed by the Federal Army. The notion that Peyton was a slave owner and a large supporter of the south is as big as an issue as one would think. Bierce's literary tactic is "sympathetic characterization " the human emotional connection to the character is what makes it realism.

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