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Natural Energy Resources in Turkey

            The importance of securing natural energy resources is taking center stage in the European Union's (EU) future plans. Turkey, a candidate for a full membership to EU, is located close to 70% of the world's oil and gas reserves. Due to it's proximity to these important resources, Turkey is in a perfect position to host a large pipeline (Nabucco Gas Pipeline) that will carry gas from the Caspian Sea to the Middle East. This would give all the countries involved a necessary alternative to the Russian supply routes - and it would become the fourth most dynamic energy corridor for Europe. .
             Clearly, the project is aimed at loosening Russia's dominating grip on oil and gas. The pipeline would be a positive statement of EU-Turkish relations, and it would be of mutual benefit; providing the EU with a reliable supply route for energy while allowing Turkey to bank transit fees in order to bolster their economy. More importantly, Turkey would prove to be an indispensable partner and a deserving candidate for membership to the EU. .
             This report will examine Turkey's role in the EU's quest to secure access to energy resources by building additional passages of the Nabucco Gas Pipeline, and how this step forward will most likely affect Turkey's economic future and long-term status with the EU.
             The proposed Nabucco Gas Pipeline is the new flagship project of the diversification strategy. Once in operation, this pipeline will make Turkey an alternative energy corridor for the EU. This will positively affect EU-Turkish relations as it would be of mutual benefit, providing the EU with a reliable supply route for energy whilst simultaneously providing transit fees to bolster the Turkish economy. Most importantly, Turkey would be able to prove itself as an indispensable partner and a deserving candidate for EU membership.
             This study examines Turkey's role in the EU's quest to ensure secure access to energy resources through the Nabucco Gas Pipeline and how this will affect Turkey's membership prospects in future.

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