Teenagers are so busy on their phones, texting and staying in constant contact with friends and family, that they aren't taking the time to learn what's being taught in the class room. Students would rather reach for the quick solution, focusing on keeping in touch with friends, rather than taking the time to learn, study and participate in class. Texting simple acronyms, symbols and simple sentences trains teenagers into thinking that they don't have to take the time to write out proper words and sentences of the real world. If they aren't implementing the skills learned in the classroom in everyday life the information will not be retained.
In the article "2b or Not 2b" David Crystal argues that the language of text is not the doom of the English language but the next evolution of the English language. While the "slanguage" of texting has created fear in the media that children will grow up without knowing the proper English language, one American study shows that only 20% of text messages actually showed any abbreviated forms. Crystal states that abbreviated words and shortened sentences are merely a modern version of abbreviations and symbols used in the English language for centuries. .
Common phrases such as IOU are similar to today's use of LOL ("laugh out loud"), and words like exam, vet and fridge that have all become common place, so too will abbreviations like msg ("message"). Crystal argues that "children could not be good at texting if they had not already developed considerable literacy awareness". The ability to text is simply playing with words already learned in the English language and texting is simply being linguistically creative. I agree with Crystal in that some "Tweetspeak" is play on words and knowing the English language allows you to manipulate the words. However so much of texting and tweeting is manipulating the phonetic sounds of a word, and not manipulating the spelling of a word, that makes me question Crystal's argument that children wouldn't be good at texting without literary awareness.