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Regional Cultural Diversity

            Three factors that are most significant when looking at different countries are literacy rates, life expectancies and unemployment rate. These three factors are significant because they depict the broadest picture of a country's overall circumstances or well-being. Literacy rates are a good indication of a country's education standards and the degree to which education is stressed. Unemployment rates give and indication of the economy in a country. High unemployment rates would be indicative of an economy that is struggling or poorly structured, while low unemployment rates indicate an economy that is running smoothly and providing for its citizens. Life expectancy figures are the result of the overall condition of a country. If a country is struggling as a whole, life expectancy numbers will be lower as opposed to a country that is well off.
             These three important factors affect a country's culture in several ways. Life expectancies affect how early or late life processes are carried out in certain cultures. Countries with low life expectancy numbers are more likely to marry and have kids at an earlier age, for instance. In cultures with high life expectancy numbers the norm usually is to wait to marry and have kids because there is no need to rush. Literacy rates affect things in a culture such as modes of communication, job qualifications and ultimately the economy. If a country has low literacy rates, communication would be more limited to strictly talking because many people would not know how to read and write. This would also lead to lower standards for acquiring a job; therefore, having unqualified workers that will eventually hurt the economy. Unemployment affects culture simply by the way people need to live to support themselves. If many people are without jobs, they must find alternative ways to supply themselves with food and shelter. This can cause a culture to be farming or hunting based culture to provide themselves with the basic essentials of life.

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