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Leadership and Cooperation in Marketing

             In larger countries, those who are given these rights and powers are then looked at to represent and preside over the remaining population. This concept is similar to regular bodies of government around the world. People in this system are inclined to agree with decisions made by those given with authority knowing the inequality this may bring. The small power distance countries which are societies that require feedback from everyone else within that area. These countries allow its people to make decisions that move the country forward. This is good for the people because there is an even balance across the board. A lot of countries today are divided by these two types of power. When you look at the best case scenarios with large power distance countries you see our country and how the president represents us. A worst case scenario is a country like Cuba that is fell into dictatorship. A small power distance is best achieved with countries that are able to work within themselves such as the Sweden, Norway, and Jamaica. These areas incorporate a small power distance that allows its people to make decisions for the country. Below are predictors of Power Distance.
             Masculinity versus femininity (MAS) addresses the sex roles that are present throughout all cultures; the difference between the two is how each society deals with that specific role and whether or not they affect societal roles and activities. . This is a dimension that takes a lot of criticism. Judging by the name the first thing we see is that this dimension deals with gender roles in a culture. Hofstede explains how people in high masculinity index believe in achievement and ambition, in ostentatious manliness, with very specific behaviors and products associated with male behavior. Also they represent a preference in society for achievement, heroism, assertiveness and material reward for success. Society at large is more competitive.

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