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Notes on the Cardiovascular System

Left ventricle has to pump all the blood throughout body and back to right atrium.
             Portion of newly oxygenated blood diverted from aorta by right and left coronary arteries.
             Coronary arterie3s divide into smaller branches forming interconnection called anastomoses which constantly and fairly gives heart muscle supply of blood.
             Right coronary artery provides blood for right ventricle.
             Left coronary artery provides blood to left ventricle.
             Right side of heart has Deoxygenated blood.
             Left side of heart has oxygenated blood.
             Heart is autorhythmitic.
             Nodal cells are pacemaker cells create electrical impulse at regular intervals.
             Two types of nodal cells.
             Sinoatrial node (SA) on wall of right atrium.
             Atrioventricular node (AV) located where atria and ventricles meet.
             SA node sets rate then sends impulse to AV node for distribution.
             Then through AV bundle also called bundle of His.
             Then to purkinje fibers.
             Contraction starts at apex and the wave continues up the ventricles squeezing out the blood.
             During systole the atrioventricular valves are closed.
             Blood returns to heart from body via vena cava and into right atrium.
             Circulatory system has two parts, the systemic and pulmonary circulation.
             Chamber walls have cardiac muscle called myocardium.
             Their internal lining has smooth delicate membrane called endocardium.
             Epicardium is a double layered membrane enclosing the heart.
             Right and left sides of heart have upper atrium that collect blood from body and lungs and lower ventricle that ejects blood to body and lungs.
             Valves between atria and ventricles, AV valves, permit one way blood flow from atria to ventricles,.
             Mitral valve between left atrium and left ventricle .
             Tricuspid valve between right atrium and right ventricle.
             Pulmonary semilunar valve permits one way blood flow from right ventricle to pulmonary artery.
             Aortic semilunar valve controls blood flow from left ventricle to aorta.
             Each heart chamber relaxes as it fills and contracts as it pumps blood .

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