Similarly, .
land use planning and control measures have been introduced to improve urban land use planning and .
urban development. Despite the existence of these laws and policies, urban land use management .
problems still persist in Nigeria. Consequently, there is need for a better understanding of the problems and also to articulate how to improve the existing ineffective land use planning and control methods in the city. It is against the above background that this article seeks to examine land use management practices in Akure, Nigeria with a view to determining its effectiveness as well as suggests feasible solutions to improve it. .
2. Conceptual Framework and Relevant Literature .
A convenient starting point for discussing land polices, land use management systems and sustainable .
development is to attempt the definition of the essential concepts. Land has been defined by Lloyd as a delineable area encompassing all attributes of the biosphere immediately above or below the earth's terrestrial surface, including the soil, terrain, surface hydrology, the near-surface climate, sediments and associated groundwater reserve, the biological resources, and the human settlement pattern and infrastructure resulting from human activity. Land is required for various uses in both the urban and rural areas of all society. As nations grew in size and rural areas become urban centers and urban centers become large metropolitan areas, there is always .
increased competition as well as demand for land for different purposes. This requires adequate .
planning and control to ensure harmonious development and functional efficiency of these uses and .
settlements. .
Conceptually, the Von Ludwig Bettalanffy's (1971) General System Theory provides an appropriate .
framework for comparing the mutual interdependence of land policies, sustainable development and .
integrated land use management systems. Akin to the General Systems theory where everything .