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Good Poetry Explores Iteresting Ideas in Interesting Ways

The "yellow.
             wood" corresponds to the autumn season, a period that is often related to the end of.
             the annual cycle in flora and foliage. Autumn may be perceived as a state of change.
             between the vivacity of summer and the chill of winter or metaphorically the.
             transition from one phase of a person's life to another. The composer has furthermore.
             used imagery to express the more appealing path, as exemplified by, "Because it was.
             grassy and wanted wear." The composer's use of imagery enables the responder to.
             gain a visual concept of the issue allowing a more enjoyable experience.
             On a literal level the poem depicts a person's regret at not being able to travel two.
             roads, and having to make a choice between the two. As the composer contemplates.
             their decision, wishing that he could take both paths at the same time while knowing.
             there is no possibility in that, the reader is able to glimpse the strength of Frost's.
             symbolism - every person must make decisions with the knowledge that going back.
             and changing them is impossible. This is exemplified by the lines,.
             "Oh, I kept the first for another day!.
             Yet knowing how way leads on to way,.
             I doubted if I should ever come back.".
             With the use of this symbolism and imagery, the composer has metaphorically.
             raised the importance of the choices that we make and how your life reflects in the.
             decisions that your have made. This is illustrated by the last two lines of the poem, "I.
             took the one less travelled by, / And that has made all the difference." In addition, the.
             composer has used the poetic devices of strong stanzas and rhythmic patterns to allow.
             the flow of the poem. The poem, "The Road Not Taken" is an example of good.
             poetry as it deals the everyday situation of making choices which people can relate to.
             The use of metaphors through symbolism and imagery has reinforced the idea of.
             making choices giving the poem are more deeper meaning.
             In the poem, "Mending Wall" Frost discusses the interesting concept of the futility.

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