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Protection of Human Rights in Research

            This paper will describe four human rights of research participants and how they might be violated. It will discuss the role of the professional nurse relation to the protection of research participant rights. It will identify the Code of Ethics of American Nurses Association (ANA) that guides the role of the professional nurse as a protector in human research participant's rights. It will give you a brief understanding of the protection of human rights in research. .
             There are four basic rights that will be described in this paper. Human research participants have the right to confidentiality (Haber, 2011). The research participants' identity will not be shown publicly, the information provided by the participant will not be used in any other way besides the study. Confidentiality may be violated for the participant when the researcher allows another person to gain access to the study that contains information about the participant (Haber, 2011). The information could be about his or her identity, responses to the study, if the research participant used drugs, prejudice, sexual preference or income or any other data the participant provided to the researcher at the beginning of the study (Haber, 2011). .
             Another basic human right is self determination which means the research participant has the right to choose whether or not to participant in the research study. The research participant can withdraw from the research study at anytime, without pressured to stay or coercion from the researcher (Haber, 2011).The violation of this basic human right occurs when the research participant is misinformed about the purpose of the study, according to J. Haber, (2011). Another example is when coercion occurs in the study by the research team. Research participants may feel threatened or that their medical care will be compromised, if they refuse to participate in the research study (Haber, 2011).

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