In the world today there is a growing gap between the rich people and the poor people. However, the act of globalization is not new and for thousands of years big corporations have been buying from and selling from each other. This process affects the environment, political systems and prosperity in societies around the world. Globalization has shaped our economy in both a positive and negative direction. Some of the negative influences are that technology is taking over economic life, income inequality and symbolic analyst. .
The U.S. economy is at loss for routine production jobs. Many of these jobs have been replaced by technology and machinery. Due to this advanced technology it closed many plants and factories as well as jobs getting laid-off. In Robert Reich's essay "Why the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer" he describes how these big corporations have to lay off their employees. This caused a decrease in union membership which are organizations of workers that are formed together to achieve goals. Because of technology advancement there has been an increase in low wage workers in different nations. Also, some of the corporations have moved jobs oversea. Modern technology outsources the jobs which increases the competition in the work force.The more technology the corporations have, the higher the volume of products. For example, in Robert Reich's essay, he states, "Everyone around the world who can now obtain high-volume, standardized products more cheaply than before" (Reich, 131). Reich claims that instead of producing products in the Unites States and paying more money they go the foreign countries where labor is cheapest and most accessible around the world. In relation to technology, jobs are being replaced by machines and software that utilize the same type of labor but cheaper and improved.
Globalization has influenced the rise of income gaps between nations. Some of the nations that benefited from globalization are the ones in poverty.
It has to do with the gap between the rich and poor. ... When such tension erupted, as it did on April 29, 1992, the result was destruction and violence. For the Korean community, who suffered half of the $800 million damage, it was more than the destruction of properties, it was the destruction of dreams. ...
Income gaps have widened in a number of developing countries as well as in the advanced economies, and evidence suggests that labor demand in developing countries has also shifted toward workers with high skill levels relative to the average. ... The income gap between the fifth of the world's people living in the richest countries and the fifth in the poorest was 74 to 1 in 1997, up from 60 to 1 in 1990 and 30 to 1 in 1960. In the nineteenth century, too, inequality grew rapidly during the last three decades, in an era of rapid global integration: the income gap between the top and botto...
Discrimination in the work place is widening the already large gender gap in today's modern society. ... And if that's not sickening enough to you you will be amazed to know that the gap that you thought was large for women in general is even worse for the women minorities in this country. ... Although in the last 10 to 15 years, women have gradually tried to decrease the gaps in education it really has not made a substantial difference in equality for them. ... Some companies sometimes feel that if they don't hire a certain amount of female employees a discrimination suit could...
They set targets for emissions and if they fail to reach said targets then they purchase extra carbon credits to bridge the gap. ... It may seem that the actions of one person could not do much to worsen this problem, but the combined efforts of many individuals all over the world can tip the balance of this issue to healing or destruction. ...
The smell still hung around every gap and hole that was based around the front of the Miami resort. ... Not just a small fire but a fire that hungered for heat and destruction, it was the fire of a burning building, to be exact a hotel, The Las Ramblas Beach Hotel on 31st main street next to the bank of New York. ...
So in a sense Simon died for the misgivings of the others and saved them from their own self-destruction. As well, Simon's encounter with the physical form of the beast filled in the logical gap that needed to be bridged when the older boys claimed they saw the beast on top of the mountain and the littluns believed the hunters couldn't find it because it hid in the water. ...
The success of Sputnik sent fear into the heart of America, as with it came the very real possibility of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile attack and mutually assured destruction. ... However, the failure of Vanguard was still fresh in the minds of many, and the huge public success of the Soviet space program meant that the USA's advances came too late to change public opinion: the perception of a technology gap in favour of the Soviet Union had been established. ...
For example, less developed African countries have been opened up to foreign imports and firms which has led to the destruction of local enterprises. ... This can eventually create an even wider gap between the two. ... The gap between rich and poor on both the global level and on the national level is increasing with the spread of globalization. ... That gap is continuing to grow and has doubled over the past 30 years. ... You can see the gap growing and this may be a result of globalized market. ...