Towards the end of the war, the American Military start to produce more efficient railways within our borders. Having that, supplies are transported much more freely between the eastern and western fronts. From there the shipments lead to European countries and western fronts to fight the war in the Pacific.
Another way that had been more than helpful was the Air-Drops. World War II was the first war where the Air Force played as a huge role in increasing the mobility during the war. Airplanes specifically designed for immediate air support, gave way for on-the-spot supplies. New planes designed for heavy payloads were now capable of delivering one 30+ ton tank into battle if need be.
The Navy having always played an important role in the past wars provided that all the wars have been overseas. Larger ships such as aircraft carriers bring the sea and air elements to the war front. The massive carriers contain the necessary supplies and contain the means of transportation of said supplies. Bombers and Cargo Planes can be launched hundreds of miles away from the battle. The Aircraft Carriers even carried their own repair supplies, for certain situations where a Japanese Kamikaze Fighter would hit the upper deck.
The United States Navy used the British Channel to their advantage throughout World War II; it was a gateway for supplies and transport. Since D-Day the Channel became a crucial part in winning the war on the European front giving Allies a way to bring more ammunition and supplies into France, thus establishing a new front for the allied forces to work off of. .
Making way from the transportation and Supply carriers, leads to a new topic of what was actually supplied. The usual supplies were gasoline, coal, tires, tire patches, Meal Ready-to-eat or MRE's, ammunition, and munitions. Due to the shortage of transportation during to winter months of 1944, supplies were in constant demand.