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Effective Pastoral Leadership

             Transformational leadership theorists emphasize the connection between leader/follower as it relates to organizational development (Bass, 1985, p. 64). By cultivating these types of relationships with followers, the pastor will be more successful in advancing the vision he has been given for his congregation. As stated by Rowold (2008), "transformational leadership behaviors such as the representation and articulation of a value-based vision motivate and satisfy followers and members of the congregation. Thus, pastors should focus on this set of behaviors within their leadership role" (p. 410).
             Many aspects of transformational leadership are exemplified in Jesus' earthly ministry. This is seen by His impact on the original apostles and early church leaders. A leader's continual presence among followers is integral to transformational leadership. It creates teachable moments, fosters relationships and allows for personalized interactions. Jesus used stories and parables that portrayed a vision of His purpose on earth and He modeled perfect behavior. According to Baldwin, Bommer, and Rubin(2007), "what a leader does underlines and gives credibility to what a leader says " (p. 73).
             Transformational leadership focuses on the whole person, meeting needs for growth. Jesus revolutionized our understanding of leadership when in John 13:4-5, he humbled Himself and washed the feet of the disciples. This is the best example of servant leadership. Jesus also prepared His followers and gave them the power to continue building from His foundational work (John 21, Acts 1). .
             Pastors must also train and empower their followers to go out and fulfill the mission of the church by following the transformational example that was set by Jesus. Pastors who grow leaders within the church body while also performing duties such as preaching, counseling, and worshiping should be considered effective leaders. Unfortunately, some pastors believe that being a good preacher is the same as being a good leader and are often unprepared to deal with management issues.

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