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Weight Loss through Bariatric Surgery

Similarly, colors that are used in the photos are gloomy and melancholic except the prominent elements. For instance, M&Ms; are very colorful and, therefore, they stand out and show that they are the most distinguishing and important point to focus on in the frame. Overall, the pictures are very simple. They are neither complex nor colorful. Space is filled up with the figures of the image, and only things that are noticeable are the implements for suicide. Also the phrase at the bottom of the image is typed in capital letters in order to emphasize the meaning of it.
             The prominent elements of these advertisements are either a dairy product or meat which is composed of animal fat. This imagery clearly sends the message that people who consume more animal fat are likely to gain more weight or fat than those who eat more of food made out of vegetable oil. According to HealthCastle.com, the worst kinds of fat are animal fat and trans fat:.
             Saturated fats raise total blood cholesterol as well as LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol). Saturated fats are mainly found in animal products such as meat, dairy, eggs and seafood Trans fatty acids are found in many commercially packaged foods, commercially fried food such as French Fries from some fast food chains and hard stick margarine (HealthCastle).
             This intended selection of the prominent elements leads to the idea of current situation that people having access to the fast foods, which are full of saturated fat and trans fat, everywhere. Nowadays, the fast-food chains are well-developed and settled in all over the world; therefore, everyone can have the fast foods in anytime and anywhere. Literally, there are over 25,000 McDonald's restaurants in the world and more than 12,000 restaurants just in the United States (NationMaster).
             Excessive overweight is associated with variety of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 2, osteoarthritis, certain types of cancer, and etc.

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