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Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

Expanding on, or creating a statement of opinion towards an idea is completely acceptable, when honest credibility is given. A direct quote must always have the correct statement inside the quotations otherwise, it is known as furnishing false statements that may qualify as academic dishonesty. Paraphrasing direct text into your own representation of the subject is where most inadvertent forms of plagiarism are found. When paraphrasing, read the reiteration of the original text. If it is not in relation to, or strays away from, the author's intent while the author is cited, it is considered furnishing false statements. Using citations for every idea you discover through another source must be cited, and it must be cited correctly.
             Avoiding plagiarism is a topic that can be taken into perspective of the reader. One audience may see a citation of the author and book or article as enough information, as another may wish to see the publisher, the date the text was published, the pages referenced, etc. Therefore, it is always important to cite any source with as much information as it displays for reference. Another key strategy in avoiding plagiarism is to stick to academic articles or articles that already give credibility to other sources. This is important because even though you cite the website or article you have read, the author of that source may have plagiarized from others' work. Procrastination is also a key factor in pressuring a student to plagiarize. Studies have shown a positive correlation between procrastination and plagiarism. [5] The amount of time given, to reference relative material and find information on a topic, during any research is crucial and should be used wisely. In effort to avoid plagiarism, it is essential to research credible sources, completely cite each source, and manage the time given for an assignment.
             The term 'plagiarism' " has been around ever since we first learned to write.

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