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Gender Equality in the Classroom

             Great differences can be found in gender communication in our personal, social, academic and family lives on regular basis. Every culture has its rules and norms for each gender in communicating their message, such as males are considered reserved and female are considered outspoken because of their feminist quality. In academics it is believed the male has the right to receive a higher education and top positions in their field compared to females. In academics a woman and man chose the profession as per their qualities. Gender stereotypes in education would be, a woman prefers to be a teacher, beautician or social worker where they can get the opportunity to discuss and show their feminine qualities while a male prefers an engineer or scientist degree where they do not need to interact as much and can show their potential abilities for performing the task. Our Country has come a long ways in ensuring women have the same equal rights as men.  Women have the ability to vote, make independent decisions and work at a job in the field of their choosing, but their wages still are not equal to their male counterparts with the same job description.    .
             When looking at our Educational System you can see how gender differences and stereotyping can begin in our children's classes.  Girls are offered courses such as Home Economics and boys are offered Shop classes. If a boy decides he wants to take Home Economics he is made fun of as being a "sissy" boy or if a girl wants to take shop she is called a "she-man". A girl could be good at Math, but because of the typical stereotyping of boys are good at math and science this may have created under-achievement in girls at school or changed the course of their chosen work field and made them direct their attention toward a field, which is considered more gender acceptable.   .
             Gender equality in schools is determined by the different experiences in education by boys and girls and the impact of these differences is "on the expectations, interests, and behaviors of boys and girls.

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