As stated earlier, many supporters of the global warming theory have firmly hailed the matter as a recent issue unlike any mankind has dealt with before. Ironically, the big fear during the 1970's that became over sensationalized in the media was global cooling and the possibility of another Ice Age, while just a few years earlier during the 1950's, the consensus in the news was global warming. The problem with the media in today's world is that it's essentially become an enterprise wherein the news has lost almost all significance. In the end, just switch out "warming" for "cooling" and the media has written this story before. The hype has remained steady; the only thing that has changed is the temperature of the catastrophe.
Another argument often debated by global warming theorists is over the consensus that has been reached on the matter in recent years. Most supporters of the theory now believe that a majority of scientists accept global warming as a valid human threat. Some have even convinced themselves that there is no longer an argument on the issue, the theory is absolute and without flaw. Scientists, climatologists, and researchers who are opposed to the idea will most likely give you an entirely different story. In fact, within the past decade alone many scientists have begun to assemble and even protest at the absurd notions upheld by global warming supporters that the theory is unopposed to criticisms or that the consensus is thorough within the scientific community. One such instance, which most global warming theorists seem to be ignorant of, is the Global Warming Project Petition, more commonly known as the "Oregon Petition", which first began to cycle through the scientific world in 1998. The petition is against the global warming agreement passed by the United States Congress in December 1997 and any similar proposals, which would begin to ration the amount of energy production used worldwide based solely on the fear of man-made global warming.