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Amrican Business and Outsourcing Jobs

Because our economy has cut out manufacturing in order to specify on service, research and innovation, we have lost a significant amount of business and profit from the manufacturing industry. The proponents of this innovation-only economic model delude themselves if they believe that high-tech manufacturing is of little or no value. We live in a world of things - from cars and cutlery to computers and cell phones - and somebody still has to make them. And if the United States is not making the advanced technology products it needs, obviously it is buying them from countries that do. This explains why the $30 billion trade surplus in high-tech products that the United States enjoyed 10 years ago has become a $56 billion deficit. But the problem really does not stop there. This deficit created has a two fold problem because there is less money in the United States, people can not buy as much as they would be able to if we still had a manufacturing sector. On average, lower class people are unable to attain the same type of income they would be able to if there was a manufacturing sector. This prevents our products and services from reaching lower class citizens. In the service industry it takes a college degree more often then not to become financially well off and the lower classes are unable to beat this cycle. .
             Outsourcing involves moving a job from one place to another in order to save money. Recently, in America, large companies have been hiring workers in second and third world countries because the cost of labor is much less expensive in areas outside of America. Although this saves large corporations money on labor, its impact on the United States economy is devastating. Among the many problems that outsourcing creates is the tax issue. Currently, there are approximately $400-600 billion dollars stashed in overseas accounts by American companies. These monies have accumulated over the years as a result of an American law that allows corporations to "defer" the payment of taxes on money made outside the United States.

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