Frank W. Elwell writes, "Our ability to produce children will always exceed our ability to secure food for their survival. Because of this fact of human existence, population growth must always be checked. Not in the distant future, but always in the present and in the future. Always. There is simply no getting around this basic biological fact to check population growth. Malthus is writing of death in some form.".
Therefore, society needs to create standards that prevent an increase in population. Countries such as China have such standards in place, but we cannot afford to wait as long as they did to implementing our own. That would be ignoring a problem until the problem becomes too big to ignore. At that point you no longer solve the issue, but instead try to do damage control.
The problem is an extremely high probability of extinction and the advantage of negating decreases if not eliminates the possibility of extinction. Human dieback as a result of overpopulation is inevitable. We have reached the earths carrying capacity and if we continue to support everyone extinction is inevitable. We are on the brink of the crunch. Oil prices have spiked, food production is dropping off leaving 17% of our energy budget consumed by agriculture, and the industrial sector just can't keep up. Our time-frame is now. Jay Hanson writes,.
"Around the year 2005, global oil production will "peak", and the spike in oil prices will quickly exacerbate other major problems facing industrial agriculture. Food grains produced with modern, high-yield methods now contain between four and ten calories of fossil fuel for every calorie of solar energy. A staggering total of 17 percent of America's energy budget is consumed by agriculture! By 2040 we would need to triple the global food supply in order to meet basic food needs, but doing so would require a 1000 percent increase in the total energy expended in food production.