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An Analysis of Obedience and Conformity

Social influence can have a powerful effect on a person if they are new to the organization and have fear of being singled out as the outsider. This type of influence can certainly lead to group-think. .
             Eichmann felt it was his duty as a soldier to carry out specific orders. He was following direct orders from Hitler, and did not feel responsible for his role in the executions of the Jewish race. Therefore, his defense was built on the argument that he was obeying orders and the law.
             Almost like the Nazis, our society continues to teach people to conform by not thinking for ourselves. Basically, just do as you are told, and do not ever question authority.
             From childhood, being the baby of my family, I quickly learned how to comply with my parents' as well as my older siblings' commands. Children are taught to conform and obey authority figures such as their parents, school teachers, principals as well as other adult figures in their life. You are told, "Don't speak to strangers", "Listen to your teacher", and my favorite, "Don't question what a grown up tell you." And if you dare ask, "Why?", the typical response would be, "Because I told you so." This caused somewhat of a problem with my personal relationships because I have found myself continuously going to Abilene for fear of rocking the boat if I were to speak up. My family, friends and spouse get frustrated with me because I typically do not add my personal input on group decisions unless it offends me. That is when my alter ego arise inside of me, because now I feel threatened, and I am ready to defend myself.
             People may not want to believe it, but there is evil within all of us. The "Lucifer Effect" relates to Eichmann's defense because he felt what he did was the right thing to do. Eichmann believed that following orders, being obedient to Hitler and conforming to his request, simply gave him justification for his actions. The "Lucifer Effect" is when people tend to do things that others want them to do because they want to be accepted as a part of a group.

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