Rap music and all its variations, from gangsta rap to hip-hop, are among the .
most potent influences of young peoples' perceptions of reality and their resulting .
behavior. Studies have shown that instead of seeing gangsta rap as a form of .
entertainment, adolescents perceive the songs to be autobiographical (Miranda, .
Claes, 113) or in other words, specifically addressing their unique situation and .
challenges. As rap artists often resort to drugs, sex, or violence as the means to .
resolve the conflicts in their songs and videos, adolescents often model this .
behavior, seeing it as a proven path to getting what they want. This is .
particularly troubling in young African-American girls, aged 14 - 18, who watch .
between six or seven hours of rap music videos a day in many cases. This .
specific demographic group is the most at-risk as they lack role models that can .
provide them the guidance to attain personal confidence and success in their .
lives, and instead, through rap music and videos, see sex and the ability to .
tolerate violence from a man as a means to a better life (Wingwood, DiClemente, .
Bernhardt, Harrington, et al, 437 - 439). What is very disturbing about rappers .
including Kanye West are lyrics which denigrate women to sex objects, utilitarian .
in their roles only to please him and men in general. For young women of all .
races, this is especially troubling as many are coming to grips with their own self-.
confidence, sexuality and identity precisely in the age groups that are this .
rappers' most ardent fans. The denigration of women in rap is pervasive and .
cause for concern alone yet the chain reaction of deviant behaviors is what .
creates the most long-lasting negative effects on those that listen to rap music for .
hours at a time or have engrained its lyrics into their lives. .
The correlation between continued listening to rap music and the propensity to .
engage in theft, join and participate in street gangs in the form of violence, and .