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Breast Cancer in Men

Yes, I said estrogen. Men produce a certain amount of that hormone just like women produce a certain amount of testosterone. If the estrogen amount becomes too heavy in the body, it can help to breed cancerous cells. .
             Some studies that have been done over the years theorize that there are other situations that can attribute to the development of breast cancer in men. One of the most common is an unusually high rate of alcohol consumption. Because alcohol use can lead to chronic liver conditions, many believe it could also lead to breast cancer. Other studies point to long-term use or abuse of certain types of drugs as a possible cancer trigger. While the verdict is still out on that issue, it bears observation. Then, there are those who believe that the continued ingestion of foods that contain high doses of preservatives may also lead to the disease. .
             Whatever the ultimate cause for the cancer might be, one thing is certain. More information must be distributed to men. They need to understand and recognize their possible exposure to this disease and they must be taught to recognize the telltale symptoms. These include, but are not necessarily limited to the following:.
             Unusual or abnormal lumps or swelling in the chest area; .
             Changes in the shape, size, or look of the breast nipple; .
             An unusual or bloody discharge from the nipple; .
             Skin dimpling or puckering around the nipple area;.
             An unusual rash, skin discoloration, redness or scaling around the nipple; or .
             A painful sensation in the skin around the chest area.
             There is some good news for men on the horizon. Because they tend to have less breast tissue than women do, the above abnormalities can be easier to find once a man clearly understands what he is looking for. It should also be noted that some of these same symptoms could be found in non-cancerous diseases as well. .
             Just like in women, male breast cancer can be detected during a routine clinical exam or by a proper self-exam.

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