They organize their attorney's calendar making sure no one misses a deadline or a meeting. They take it upon themselves to do whatever is needed to get the job done.
All of these people are leaders in their way. Some are natural born leaders, others have limited ability. Everyone can benefit from Leadership Training. My firm runs smoothly, but one mistake and the pyramid can start to deteriorate. .
I feel that leadership training can benefit my entire firm. Participation in a training .
program is an opportunity to develop new skills. .
These newly required skills can increase everyone's effectiveness as leaders.
First you need to identify the issues facing you today that point to the need for.
managing people in a certain way. Second, you need to have a model for managing people that answers a need. You need to learn a variety of leadership styles and how to use them. This gives people the direction and support they need to perform their jobs well and increase satisfaction. Stephen Covey said "If there is no producer, great ideas and high resolves are not carried out. The work simply doesn't get done. Where there is no manager, there is role conflict and ambiguity; everyone attempts to be a producer, working independently, with few established systems or procedures. And if there is no leader, there is lack of vision and direction. The roll of leader is most important to the organization. Without strategic leadership, people may dutifully climb the "ladder of success" but discover, upon reaching the top rung, that it is leaning against the wrong wall." (1991, p.244).
You need to build leadership skills in each of the four leadership styles-.
Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating. You will learn to provide direction, which is the foundation skill to which the skills of praising, building self-reliance, and delegating surface. These skills will be used as people assume more responsibility for their own work direction.