The USS Arizona Memorial is one of the most recent memorial sites for the .
National Memorial and Parks Services. It was officially dubbed a National Monument .
on May 30, 1962. The Arizona Memorial is only one of about 400 National Parks and .
Monuments located throughout the United States. It is located in Pearl Harbor of .
Honolulu, Hawaii. The memorial grew out of wartime desire to honor those who died in .
the attack. .
The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7, 1941. It was a surprise .
attack on the United States from Japan that the U.S. was not prepared for. The attack on .
Pearl Harbor came in two waves. The first of these attack waves happened at only 7:53 .
A.M , on a Sunday before any one had awoke. The second of these attacks happened at .
8:55 A.M. By 9:55 the entire attack was over. The motive for this attack was the .
culmination of over a decade of deteriorating relations between Japan and the United .
States over the status of China and the security of South East Asia. The Japanese had left .
2,403 dead. They also destroyed 188 planes and 8 battleships (some battleships were .
severely damaged and not entirely destroyed.) The USS Arizona was one of these ships. .
And of these ships, only two of them (the Arizona and the Oklahoma) were unable to be .
repaired. Seven of the nine battleships were tied up on "Battleship" Row. In other words, .
they acted as perfect targets during the attack. Roosevelt, creator of the CCC, was .
president during this time period. The very next day, he declared war on Japan. In reality .
instead of taking the U.S out of the war, Pearl Harbor was what actually brought us into .
the war.
The USS Arizona was a BB-39 Hull Ship. It's builder was the Brooklyn Navy .
Yard in New York. It was laid down on March 16, 1914 and christened on June 19, 1915 .
by Miss Esther Ross. It was commissioned on October 17, 1917. The total construction .
costs for the USS Arizona were 12,993,579,23. The Arizona was a massive 608 feet in .