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American History

Here in America is where they were allowed to practice religion as they felt they should. Without all of the religious conflicts America would not be what it is today.
             Another conflict that America has dealt with is the labor system. America is known for its wide usage of African-American slaves in various places. Before the usage of African-Americans Indentured servants were used. Most of them were English migrants that came to America in exchange to work for a family for some time. These servants were subjected to harsh conditions, the work that had to be done was that of hard work and very unpleasant. Many of these servants would try to escape the treatments, many were caught and therefore had to serve a longer time as a servant. Much of the conflict came from the treatment of these servants. They were treated with no respect and lived a very pathetic life, they were allowed freedom but not guaranteed any type of a regular life. Some would even die out before there term as an indentured servant was up. Although the times were hard they were allowed to be free after a certain amount of serving time. Because of the want to come to America many of these servants would sell themselves to a master, by doing this the servants families were usually split apart. (Out of Many 57,119). .
             African-American as slaves is what is most widely known in America as our system of labor. The Chesapeake colonies were the first to come about using African-Americans as slaves in 1619. As the indentured slaves were treated badly, the African-American slaves were also treated badly. African-American slaves were treated somewhat the same as the indentured servants. Their everyday life consisted of hard labor as the servants did also. The slaves were bought by an owner and lived and obeyed his orders. Most slaves were beaten by their masters and given small amounts of food to live off of. The treatment of the slaves was bad and even the treatment of the small African-American children were treated badly.

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