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She told me about her childhood, her life . I love listening to her telling story. From those stories, I know she was an obedient kid. She never disobeyed my grandparents except for once when she decided to marry my father. My mother's family was rich and famous in our village. My father was poor and did not have a career at that time. My grandparents did not want her to marry a guy with an impotent future. But she said she would leave the family if they didn't allow her. Finally, my grandparents had to let them marry. I think that's the only time she ever did anything rebellious in her life. She wants me and my sister to be obedient, listen to what parents tell us to do. She tells us what should do and what we should not do in life. Her advices are mostly about how to be a good woman. She really cares about our studying. She always says that she did not have chance to finish school so she wants me and my sister to do that for her. But I know that she wants us to have good future. I did well in school and always my parent's pride. I went to the best high school in the city and always had good grades. When I asked to study abroad, it took them two years to decide. They knew it's a good chance for me to get one of the best education in the world and that I would have a bright future. However, they worried that I would be tempted by American life that they think is full of temptations from what they heard and read. Until now, sometimes when we talk on the phone, my mother still says she shouldn't have let me go. Because she always worries how I"m doing in a totally strange place where I don't know anyone. I usually tell her not to worry and that I've grown up, I know how to take care of myself. The thing that she worried about the most is that I would be tempted by guys. About a year before I left, she often talked about women's conducts, especially virginity. We are not Christians, but virginity is very important for Asian women.

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