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Comparative essy of bmw, microsoft and bd medical stock

             • Innovative educational programs emphasizing learning on behalf of better healthcare. .
             Also, grants awarded contain these components as appropriate: .
             • Promote effective use of technology; .
             • Demonstrate measurable results; .
             • Plan for strategic sustainability elements; .
             • Foster creative alliances and partnerships. .
             BD Local Initiatives Fund.
             As a global company with associates and facilities in over 60 nations around the world, BD is committed to active corporate citizenship. .
             The Local Initiative Fund provides support to non-profit organizations serving in communities where BD people live and work. Representing a vital part of our comprehensive giving program, the Local Initiatives Fund is meant to enhance the quality of life in communities where BD has a presence, as well as to address local needs, support employee interests and concerns and build community resources. Through the Local Initiatives Fund, we partner with non-profit organizations to establish creative collaborations that include projects in health, education, arts and culture, social welfare and community development. .
             BD locations in the US and Puerto Rico maintain programs through the Local Initiatives Fund. Selected grants vary according to the interests and concerns of local sites and communities as well as the involvement of BD associates. Financial support is but one component; product donations, gifts-in-kind and volunteer services complete the comprehensive local giving program. .
             Please note additional BD Local Initiatives Fund restrictions: .
             The Fund provides financial support directly to the underwriting of programs and operating costs and does not provide funding for event-driven activities. Please note that funding is provided to qualified charitable/non-profit organizations only. .
             BD Matching Gifts Program.
             This program recognizes that every one of us, in community service as well as in business, can make a difference through personal donations and volunteerism.

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