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Roman Slavery

             Slavery was a universal feature of all Mediterranean countries in antiquity and the Romans also greatly benefited from there use. To ensure economic success the Romans needed slave labor to aid in agricultural and domestic work. In this paper I would like to discuss slavery within the Roman Empire. I would like to focus on three major aspects of slavery: how the slaves were obtained, what role in society did slaves have, and how could slaves gain their freedom. .
             Accusation of slaves came to the Romans by their conquering of other nations. Roman territorial conquest yielded most of the conquered nations citizens and forced them to become slaves. "To enslave an enemy rather than to slay him was a device to reap his labour, but it was also a way of enjoying a perpetual triumph over him; it was at once a humiliation to him and a punishment for his presumption in taking up arms" (Barrow p 2). As new land was acquired, the population of the area became the property of the Roman Empire as well. Within this accusation the fallen captives gave slavery its believed legitimacy. "There was, for instance, a pervasive set of oppositions inherited from Athenian thought of things: thus, slavery is to freedom as incontinence is to self-control and emotions are to bodily appetite; the slaves is to the master as body is to mind, as woman is to man, and child to father" (Fitzgerald p 8). The captives of the land joined the other slaves of the republic who had been stationed in this position by the same situation as the captured slaves, or because they had failed to enlist in the army or register in the census. Slavery was either a result of captivity or punishment for a rejection of the governmental rule.
             Once the slaves were acquired, they were sold at slave auctions under the jurisdiction of aediles. Slaves with special talents were sold for higher prices, and female slaves were cheaper than males.

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