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The Hobbit

             I went to see the play The Hobbit and it was an ok play nothing special but it was what I expected considering I was at the Barn theater in Willmar. The acting wasn't the greatest partly cause half the parts were played by kids so they don't have very much experience but for being as young as they were they were pretty good. I think the main actor Bilbo was good he had a lot of expression in his voice and used his body very well to show his feelings but at times it was a little overdone and it looked like he was trying too hard. Gandalf the wizard I thought was the best actor in the play he fit the part very well and made if seem like he was really the wizard and he didn't have to pretend to play the part. Thorin was the other person on the adventure and we could not see his face because of his beard and the hood that he wore but by his body language you could tell he was old and had been on many adventures before.
             The directing, there isn't much that the director does that the audience can see during the show but she did a good job because all the sound affects and everything seemed to go ok with the actors getting on and off stage. The actors often entered through the audience. .
             Set design, there weren't a lot of props there was the stage that they painted green. There were a couple of rocks that acted as platforms for the actors to stand and sit on when talking to the audience. There was also a tree on the left side of the stage that looked good only it the top half of the tree was cut off and it seemed like they could have had more of the tree because it was still about 10 feet from the ceiling. The canes that the actors used are part of the prop design. The treasure chest and the flames that the Smaug stood behind were also part of the set design. They used a fogging machine to fog when they were by a river or if it is a cold scary place. I like how they used the fog it really add to the felling and it made us feel like we were part of the play.

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