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Evolution Of Organizations

             ANCIENT ROME:.
             The Roman civilization may be seen as the first form of society upon whose principles modern day nations are based. It was Rome which was responsible for the city state, and most other basic theories relating to medicine, politics, engineering, etc. The Romans were also the first to come up with the first workable practical organizational setup. This may be attributed to Julius Caesar, the man who brought together a bunch of inter-warring tribes and made a world renowned empire out of them. .
             The organizational system created by the Romans, although very basic, was responsible for the idea behind the organizational systems we see today. Four main organizational forms were present in Roman society which could be treated as the basis for the modern day organization. These were, i) The Societas: a general-form of business partnership. ii) The Peculium: or family, iii) The Municipium: town senate, and, iv) The Collegium: or groups of tradesmen who assembled for some combination of social, religious, and professional purposes.
             Based upon these organizational setups, Rome was able to create an efficient and effective state which conquered nearly the whole of Europe, Central Asia and North Africa.
             THE MIDDLE AGES:.
             Due to the conquests which Rome made in and around Europe, the ideas that were formulated in Rome were then passed on to other civilizations, leading up to the 15th and 16th centuries in which Europe began to organize its social and business institutions on a coherent and formal structure based on the Roman organizational theme. The three main organizations in this regard were, i) general partnerships, ii) limited liability vehicles that - like the Roman Peculium - bear a passing resemblance to the modern limited partnership, and, iii) "non-profit" enterprises such as monasteries and the state enterprises.
             At this time Europe was not the only region which formulated its own form of organizational systems.

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