" (Robert, p.4).
In 1994, GATT became to be unsatisfactory. The "Uruguay Round" was going on for eight years; it was obvious that GATT was not the respected leader of the world trade any more. This was a round full of disagreements that continued between 1986 and 1994. One of the conflicts in this round was faced by US and some members of the European Union, on the agricultural trade case. "At the core of differences on agricultural trade were the enormous government subsidies that some leading producers were paying farmers to keep them competitive internationally." (Kegley, 222) US aggressively proposed to phase out all agricultural subsidies and farm trade protection programs within a decade. Its proposal gained some support, but European opposition created an "impasse" in negotiations. This caused the original 1990 target date for conclusion of the talks to be missed. (Kegley, 223) .
After witnessing the situation of the Uruguay Round, some authorities were making fun of the organization by renaming it as "General Agreements of Talk and Talk." (Pitou, p.2) It was taking GATT ages to solve a conflict. This had to be changed. GATT members were very uncomfortable. After these eight years, nations were worried that a new global trade war could occur; therefore, they agreed to deal and finish the Uruguay Round. As a result, for not experiencing the same mistakes of 1930s, members agreed to unify under the umbrella of a new trade organization, WTO. WTO replaced GATT in 1994 as a result. It was sharing the same aims of protecting and obtaining free trade with GATT. (Pitou, p.10) .
GATT consisted of 23 members at 1947. The "Session of Contracting Parties" was GATT's structure's highest body. This body was met once a year. Under the body, all the member countries had one equal worth vote. At practice, these votes were useless; because, GATT's decisions were taken by consensus, not by vote.