We are responsible for our product, and all its uses, intentional or not.
Our new product Firstsight could revolutionize ultrasound, as the world knows it. Making ultrasound more accessible and prominent in the medical field could have negative implications in dealing with sex selection. Having a portable ultrasound device will make ultrasound easier and more frequent. It is reasonably certain that this equipment will in turn be used for purposes such as sex selection. Therefore, ATL has a responsibility to attempt to reduce and prevent sex selection. We as a company must come up with opportunities to solve this problem. The issue and its consequences are so relevant to ATL and why we must deal with it before we can move forward as a company. .
In India there is currently the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act. It is described as this, "the law limited the use of ultrasound to women who were at high risk due to age or other factors and banned abortions of female fetuses identified by either amniocentesis or ultrasound- . While we feel that ultrasound should be used for everyone, it does not mean that the sex of the fetus must always be determined and disclosed. Possibly, we would pass legislation that would make it illegal in countries like China and India (or other countries where there are similar practices) to reveal the sex of the baby to the patient, unless it is for health reasons, much like was done in Canada. To do this, ATL would need to negotiate with the government to pass legislation, making it a law. This may be very difficult to do, considering countries like China and India are not particularly in favor of the United States right now, and therefore most likely will not want to pass laws brought to them by an American company. .
Despite the fact that there is already some legislation in India the process continues. There are still countless doctors that will perform the operation, despite the law.