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            Proctor: Then who will judge me? God in Heaven, what is John Proctor, what is John Proctor? I think it is honest, I think so; I am no saint. Let Rebecca go like a saint; for me it is fraud!.
             It is better to suffer and die for your own principles than lie to save oneself.
             John Proctor was like Joan of Arc. They both followed their principles in life to the point of death and also died honourable deaths for their religions. .
             Firstly, if Proctor lies then he has sacrificed his good name and reputation that takes a whole lifetime to earn. Proctor is struggling between life or lies. He fears the shame that his family and friends will have to live with because of his lies.
             When Judge Danforth asks Proctor to give him the form that he signed, Proctor cries out:.
             Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies.
             On the other hand, if he dies for his own principles, values and rules, then he will be a good example for his kids and the village. He will be undermining the power of the court and the accusing girls. John will be able to pass his good name and pride to his children.
             Within the world of the play, Puritan Christians shouldn't lie. Rather than telling a lie and having a guilty conscience for the rest of his life, John Proctor, being a puritan Christian, would prefer to die and be in heaven with God. If he falsely confesses, he will be in hell for eternity. It is far better for John Proctor to die honestly.
             "I am not a saint". John proctor struggles with the guilt of his previous adultery and his fate and dignity to death. He regains some of his self-respect. John has already lived a life of lechery. He cannot afford to live another lie. When he summons himself to death, Elizabeth says:.
             He has his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him!.
             If John tells the truth then he can die in honour. Everyone will see that he is a courageous man who will give up his life before he lies.

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